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Facts About Baby Teeth

(Click Question for Detailed Answer Below.)
Q1. What is the average amount of Tooth Fairy money given for a fallen baby tooth?
Q2. What should I do to a Baby tooth before I place it in the Tooth Fairy Bank?
Q3. How many baby teeth and adult teeth are there and when do they come in?
Q4. What are teeth made of?
Q5. How should I care for my Baby's First Teeth?

Q1. What is the average amount of Tooth Fairy money given for a fallen baby tooth? 
A. $1.10    [Return to top]

Q2. What should I do to a Baby tooth before I place it in the Tooth Fairy Bank? 
A. To preserve the baby tooth, first gently clean it with soap and water or with rubbing alcohol. Then completely dry it before placing it into the bank.    [Return to top]

Q3. How many baby teeth and adult teeth are there and when do they come in?
A . Children have one set of 20 baby (primary) teeth used in early development. (See illustration below.) These are generally replaced by a second set of 32 larger permanent teeth. By the age of 6-10 months most infants cut their first tooth. By 10 months to 3 years, infants, toddlers and preschoolers continue to get their lower, then upper primary teeth starting in the center of the mouth and working backwards. By 3 years of age, most of a child's 20 primary teeth are in. By the age of 5-6 years children begin to shed their primary teeth and permanent teeth begin to erupt. By 12-13 years, most baby teeth have been 
shed and almost all permanent teeth are in.    [Return to top]

Q4. What are teeth made of?
A. Teeth are made of a bonelike substance called dentin. The portion of the tooth that is visible in the mouth is called the crown, which is covered by enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. Teeth fall into 3 categories: incisors, which are made for cutting food, aiding speech and appearance. Behind the incisors are the cuspids, which are for ripping and tearing food, guiding the lower jaw in its movements and protecting the other teeth from wear. In the back you'll find molars, which have a flatter surface for grinding food.        [Return to top]

Q5. How should I care for my Baby's First Teeth?
A. Once teeth have emerged, start practicing good dental hygiene and be sure to consult with a dentist. Clean plaque from baby's gums after feedings by wrapping a 2 inch square gauze pad around your finger and gently massage baby's gums. Toothbrushing should begin with baby's first teeth. Use a specially designed child's toothbrush to clean baby teeth but do not use toothpaste until the child is at least 2 years of age. Check with your dentist to determine the first dental visit.       [Return to top]

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